Tuesday, November 2, 2010

IB Salary in Asia

My IB salary post has generated a lot of feedbacks. Let me talk more about the money making potential in Asia for investment bankers.

Beginning 2010, top bankers in Asia are taking home similar amount of money at the 2007 pre-crisis level, and in some cases exceeding it.

A shortage of talent combined with competition among rival banks in Asia prompted many institutions to make lucrative offers. I’m seeing more and more multi-million dollar deals plus the return of sign-on bonuses. Of course star bankers benefit the most.

For junior bankers, it’s time to set your feet in this fast-pace highly competitive market and prepare yourself to be a star of tomorrow.

Citigroup, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and UBS are actively seeking to build their staff bases in Asia. Banks need to bench-strengthen their teams. Don’t forget to watch out for their intern programs in Asia, especially China, Hong Kong and Australia, whose economies sailed through the downturn.

Investment Banking Salary