Friday, October 9, 2009

A GREAT Job Interview Follow-up Letter Secret

I received this article from Jimmy Sweeny. He is not an investment banking guru, but he is a generalist career guru, one of my most respected figures in the field. This article is very innovative and I’m sure you will benefit from it. Enjoy reading.

A GREAT Job Interview Follow-up Letter Secret

You've just finished the interview you hoped to get and it went pretty well as far as you can tell. Now you must play the 'waiting game,' as the hiring manager makes his or her decision about offering you the job. However, you can be active even as you wait. Here's a secret most people don't know about—so keep it to yourself, okay?

A Gift That Continues to Give

Give the interviewer a 'gift.' No! Not a Starbucks card or a movie pass. In fact, if you're not careful such a gift might be considered a bribe, so of course you want to avoid that. However, you can give something of value that will be seen as a kind gesture from a person who has taken note of the employer's interests and hobbies.

You can pass on a 'gift of information'—an article from a magazine or newspaper, a reference to a certain web site, or a brochure or pamphlet––that focuses on something the hiring manager would welcome, use, and enjoy.

Thank You PLUS

For example, suppose you and the interviewer talked about your mutual interest in golf or dog training or skiing or chess. How nice it would be to include some printed information on one of these topics that reminds the hiring manager of your conversation and your thoughtfulness. This gift along with a short but friendly note of thanks for the interview would surely put your name and face in a prominent place in the interviewer's mind.

Employer Benefits

Even if you don't get the job, you've taken a good and kind step toward another person. That will pay off in one way or the other.

1. It shows enthusiasm for the open position.
2. It displays your diligence and commitment.
3. It demonstrates that you paid attention to the interviewer and his or her interests.
4. It illustrates that you are a thoughtful and generous person with your time and energy.

And finally, such gifts sent periodically, help you keep in touch with your interviewer until the job is filled

Written By Jimmy Sweeney
President of CareerJimmy and Author of the new,
Job Interview “Secret”

Visit our friends at Job Interview “Secret” and discover Jimmy Sweeney's breakthrough strategy that will have you standing out from the competition like a Harvard graduate at a local job fair… DURING your next job interview.

Investment Banking Resumes - Thank You Letter