Friday, August 1, 2008

Cover Letter Tip: Step Out of Your Career Comfort Zone!

I have borrowed this article from Jimmy Sweeney. It is not investment banking focused. However it is very universal and anyone in the job market should find it useful.

© Written By Jimmy Sweeney
President of CareerJimmy and Author of the new
Amazing Cover Letter Creator

There are cover letters––and there are cover letters. Some are cookie-cutter predictable. And some offer a tasty surprise—like a cherry under chocolate frosting. Which ones would you like to receive if you were a hiring manager?

You know the answer. You'd like the ones with a surprise—letters that show the job seeker has stepped out of his or her comfort zone and is willing to offer something special.

If you'd like to write such a cover letter, here's the most important thing to do:

Express yourself in a clear and friendly manner, using language that will engage the hiring manager, wording that draws a reader in and compels him or her to read all the way through to the end.

In other words, write as though you were sitting together over a cup of coffee or tea.

1. Greet the hiring manager by name if possible (not Dear Sir or Madam).
2. Create a headline that will grab his or her attention, such as:

Sales Executive Ready to Expand Territory

3. Write one or two sentences about your experience. He can read more in your resume.
4. ASK to meet for an interview and offer a selection of dates and times. Be proactive.
5. Provide your contact information clearly—especially your cell phone number.
6. Thank the employer for reading your cover letter.
7. Sign your name and then add a P.S. in a friendly tone. "I'm really looking forward to meeting with you in person."

A well-written cover letter that sets you apart from other job seekers is one that shows you're not afraid to step out of your comfort zone and show the real you!

Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the brand new, "Amazing Cover Letter Creator." Jimmy is also the author of several career related books and writes a monthly article titled, "Job Search Secrets."


Shize said...

Dear Anna Maria D'Souza,

Thank you for the work you have done to help all of us out there who really want to build a career in IB. I'm going to graduate from a top Canadian institute next May. Would you please critique my cover letter and resume?

Anna Maria D'Souza said...


Give me your email and I'll contact you. Make sure your resume is conformed to my required standards in this blog and you have less than three years experience, or you won't receive my reply.

Sukh said...

Dear Ms. D'Souza,

I really appreciate all the blog poses. For me it has definitely been rewarding to read and review many of your posts. I, like others on this website will be graduating next year. Would you be kind enough to review my resume and cover letter?

Many Thanks!

Anna Maria D'Souza said...


Please refer to my answer to Shize.

Sukh said...

Hi Anna, my email is

Many Thanks

Shize said...

Dear Anna,

Thank you so much! Here's my e-mail


Unknown said...

Dear Anna,

I would be much appreciated if could you critique my cover letter and my CV. My email address is

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Anna This is really a supportive post for all of us.We can learn a lot through this information.

Resume Cover Letters